Category: simplify Chinese posts

Children and Play 游戏与孩子

Children and Play 游戏与孩子

许多人问: 游戏治疗到底和平时在家里玩有何不同 ?

对小孩而言   最自然的沟通媒介  是游戏和活动

他们把现实生活中无法解决或是发生的经历   透过游戏过程重新编排与演练    同时学习对事件新的应对方法

藉由游戏的方式    抒发他们日夜堆积的情绪   这些情绪很多时候是用语言无法表达出来的

游戏的目的  主要是重整小孩的经验与他所面对的世界

透过游戏的过程  小孩能发现新的自己  获得内在的控制感 ( the sense of feeling of control )

这并非是外在环境真的控制  而是内在的支配力与控制感


然而 一旦成人的世界中种种的规范  控制  期许  目标  介入游戏发生的环境里  或是游戏的实质过程与互动中

此时游戏本身对心灵的疗愈     负面情绪解放     及学习养成正确情绪掌控和反应能力的效果

将会大打折扣      有时候甚至会是反效果

在治疗室里  做游戏治疗与小孩互动的期间  他们可以做他们自己  完全无须讨好与伪装

在游戏治疗的当下  我接受他们原本的样貌

他们也从来不需要   也不曾试图要改变我       或期盼让我在某些方面表现不同        或是应该有某种特定的反应

整个过程是一个相互尊重与互惠的交流经验 ~ 期间我们彼此分享当下经验与接受对方

换句话说  这是真正的  最纯真的  最诚恳的游戏

小孩是独立个体 (real people )  并不是大人的附属物

只要大人愿意  有耐心  并敞开心房来学习 (是的  大人向小孩学习)

小孩们其实有相当好的能力反过来教导大人们的呢 ~

Stress 压力

Stress 压力

你感到压力吗? 你能辨别你的压力程度及有效的处理压力吗?

根据美国心理协会(American Psychological Association)提供的资讯,  以下方法能帮助你管理你的压力.

APA offers the following tips on how to manage your stress:

了解你如何感受压力 Understand how you stress. Everyone experiences stress differently. How do you know when you are stressed?How are your thoughts or behaviors different from times when you do not feel stressed?

辨认你的压力源 Identify your sources of stress. What events or situations trigger stressful feelings? Are they related to your children, family, health, financial decisions, work, relationships or something else?

学习压力来时的信号 Learn your own stress signals. People experience stress in different ways. You may have a hard time concentrating or making decisions, feel angry, irritable or out of control, or experience headaches, muscle tension or a lack of energy . Gauge your stress signals.

辨识自己如何处理压力 Recognize how you deal with stress. Determine if you are using unhealthy behaviors (such as smoking, drinking alcohol and over/under eating) to cope. Is this a routine behavior, or is it specific to certain events or situations ? Do you make unhealthy choices as a result of feeling rushed and overwhelmed?

找出健康的方法来处理压力 Find healthy ways to manage stress. Consider healthy, stress-reducing activities such as meditation, exercising or talking things out with friends or family. Keep in mind that unhealthy behaviors develop over time and can be difficult to change. Don’t take on too much at once. Focus on changing only one behavior at a time.

照顾自己 Take care of yourself. Eat right, get enough sleep, drink plenty of water and engage in regular physical activity. Ensure you have a healthy mind and body through activities like yoga, taking a short walk, going to the gym or playing sports that will enhance both your physical and mental health. Take regular vacations or other breaks from work. No matter how hectic life gets, make time for yourself — even if it’s just simple things like reading a good book or listening to your favorite music.

寻求(专业)帮助Reach out for support. Accepting help from supportive friends and family can improve your ability to manage stress. If you continue to feel overwhelmed by stress, you may want to talk to a psychologist, who can help you better manage stress and change unhealthy behaviors.